DANCE....uplifting the human spirit!
Here we are, into spring time with more people getting vaccinated and moving toward normalcy slowly.
Secretly, we’re all now seeing that flicker of hope. Not quite dancing in the streets yet, but I for one actually wanted to do a little jig around the room after I got my second dose of vaccination. A great sense of liberation engulfed me momentarily, but only momentarily, and then in that moment, I made my first appointment in the longest time, to see my hair dresser, finally!
Of course, we have a long way to go as a society.
Anyway, our Art has been flourishing quietly in our art rooms. I know from my own experience, that I’ve been learning a lot through UTube videos, online shows and just grabbing every opportunity of expressing our love of Art. Being shut in has its own advantages I suppose. There’s our silver lining.
Luckily for me, my involvement with the Thousand Oaks Art Association has also kept me busy, with writing their monthly newsletters and viewing Zoom studio tours of some of our talented artists.
Here’s a tidbit for Art history lovers. In the early Christian church, opinions were divided about whether the human form should be portrayed in art. Generally, it was thought that such depiction especially in statues would be undesirable. Paintings however, were different. In the sixth century, Pope Gregory declared that they were the most useful way of telling Bible stories. This declaration was to have a profound impact on the development of European art from the Middle Ages onwards.
I leave you now with the following artistic thought and meanwhile let’s keep those creative juices flowing.
“Life and Art begin at the end of your comfort zone” unknown.
Mangala Tata