Happy 2023 to all my artist friends and a big welcome to all the new participants who have joined us gradually over time! Are you all excited with the freshness of the new year or are some of you in a lull or a bit of a hiatus mood because if the weather. Maybe that could be a good thing too perhaps, as it gives us time to reflect and even think about new creative ideas with new visions. Then of course there are those of us who have already started off with a bang. Whatever the mood, it’s all very good for all the creative folks, because even the lull can be an incubating period, from which will arise a completely new way of creativity..
We as Mana artists are growing in numbers. As of last count my understanding is at 98 artists and maybe more in the last few weeks. We have some new avenues opened up for us at BMM website, thanks to the hard work of our managing committee. We now can display our paintings on that website on a circulating basis, which enables each one of us the chance to exhibit our Art, with the purpose of selling it.
This is all thanks to people like Avinash Sadhu who played a big role in making this possible.
As we enter into a newer time period of ups and downs with the Corona virus and the economy in the world at large, we as artists are continuing in our paths of creativity.
Many of us start the year with great resolutions to this year I’ll paint this, or try my hand at some new medium but like with all good intentions it fizzles out. Not because we lose interest in the project of that we’re distracted by other things in our lives. It happens to me all the time and then when I find the piece lying buried under stacks of paper and reference material. Then again, one reason for this also is an almost paralyzing apathy to just start with something because nothing seems good enough!
Then one day , the sun is shining outside and it may b just a small cluster of leaves that may take to your fancy to turn it into a painting! Somethimes, at such times I realize yes, it’s good to take break and have that time to reflect, recuperate and rejunevate. And then the freshness which inspires us to create is simply amazing.
With that in mind even a simple sketch can be that impetus that leads to new creativity.
So I leave you with the artistic thought for the month.
“A sketch has charm because of its truth – not because it is unfinished.” –
Charles Hawthorne
So my friends stay safe, happy and have a great year creating.
Yours truly,
Mangala Tata
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