Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Live Painting during BMM 2015 - July 3rd

Normally I do Oil paintings and little bit of watercolors, acrylic etc. The idea of live painting sounded good and signed up for it. At that time I did not know it will turn out to be a 5 x 9 feet painting in 12 mins challenge!! It was a privilege to participate in the BMM opening ceremony to perform a live painting in front of 4000+ audience. There was a huge backing from my entire group, leaders and experts, each time giving me feedback after the day long run through sessions. Not only did I enjoy the performance but also learnt a ton of different techniques. Designed and built my own easels for the canvas sizes, trolley for paints etc. Below is the end result and a truly fulfilling experience!!
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Live Painting - 5 x 9 feet, Acrylic on Canvas
Each canvas in above set is 30x36 inches and currently 4 of them are available for sale. If interested, visit my blog HERE to see available paintings or contact me on preranap@hotmail.com
Here you can watch the Video too.


  1. Prerana, I think you did a brilliant job at the BMM convention. I enjoyed your show and was amazed at the speed at which you created such beautiful paintings! At that time, I had no idea who you were and wondered about you but now I feel lucky that you are a part of MALA! What a pleasure it'll be to meet you soon.

  2. Yes, I do agree with Mangala tai...awesome work!!!.
